A(으)ㄴ 만큼, N만큼, V는 만큼 grammar = as much as, to the extent, like ~indicate something equivalent to another

A-(으)ㄴ 만큼, N만큼, V-는 만큼 grammar = as much as, to the extent, like ~indicating an action/state is similar or equivalent to another

- Indicating an action/state is similar or equal to another = as much as, to the extent, like ...

Adjective + -(으)ㄴ 만큼:
예브다 -- 예븐 만큼 (as pretty as)
힘들다 -- 힘든 만큼 (as hard as)
좋다 -- 좋은 만큼 (as good as)
재미있다 -> 재미있는 만큼 (as funny as)

Verb + -는 만큼 (present) -- (으)ㄴ 만큼 (past)  -- (으)ㄹ 만큼 (future):
보다 -- 보는 만큼 -- 본 만큼 -- 볼 만큼  (as much as you see)
먹다 -- 먹는 만큼 -- 먹은 만큼 -- 먹을 만큼  (as much as you eat)
돈을 내다 -- 돈을 내는 만큼 -- 돈을 낸 만큼 -- 돈을 낼 만큼 (as much as you pay)
연습하다 -- 연습하는 만큼 -- 연습한 만큼 -- 연습할 만큼 (as much as you practice)

Noun + -만큼:
서울 -> 서울만큼 (like Seoul)
어머니 -> 어머니만큼 (like mother)
선수 -> 선수만큼 (like a player)
대학생 -> 대학생만큼 (like an undergraduate student) 


1. 누구나 일한 만큼 월급을 받아야 해요.
Everyone should be paid as much as they work.

2. 운동하는 만큼 건강해져요.
You get healthier as much as you exercise.

3. 돈을 많이 내는 만큼 좋은 서비스를 받을 수 있을 거예요.
You should receive good service as much as you pay for it.

4. 저 뒤에 있는 사람도 들을 수 있을 만큼 크게 말해 주세요.
Please speak loud enough (to the extent) that the person behind can hear you well.

5. 나도 형만큼 잘할 수 있으니까 걱정하지 마세요.
Please don’t worry because I can do it as well as my big brother.

6. 열심히 공부한 만큼 좋은 점수를 받을 거예요.
You will get a good mark as much as you study hard.

7. 최선을 다한 만큼 좋은 결과가 있을 거예요.
You will have good results as much as you do your best.

8. 기대가 높은 만큼 실망도 커요.
The higher the expectations, the bigger the disappointment.

9. 딸이 엄마만큼 예뻐요.
The daughter is pretty as much as her mom.

10. 저는 다른 사람에게 설명 잘 해 줄 수 있는 만큼 만화에 대해서 많이 알아요.
I know a lot about comic books (to the extent) that I can explain well to others.

11. 아들은 어느새 키가 자라 아버지의 키만큼 커졌다.
The son grew up and became as tall as his father.

12. 언니는 어머니만큼 요리를 잘해요.
My sister cooks as well as my mother.

13. 시험의 결과는 공부하는 만큼 나오는 것 같아요.
The results of the test seem to come out as much as you study.

14. 봉사 활동을 하느라 바쁘고 힘들었지만 힘든 만큼 보람도 컸다.
It was busy and hard to do volunteer work, but it was as rewarding as it was hard.

15. 돈을 얼마씩 내면 돼요?
- 각자 먹은 만큼 내면 될 것 같아요.
How much money should we pay each?
- Each person should pay an amount as much as one ate.

16. 오늘 같이  영화 볼까요?
- 미안해요. 요즘 영화를 볼 만큼 한가하지 않아요.
Shall we watch a movie today? 
- Sorry. I'm not free enough to watch a movie these days. 

17. 하노이는 어때요?
- 서울만큼 복잡해요. 
How is Hanoi?
- It is crowded as much as/like Seoul. 

18. 엄마! 엄마는 나를 얼마만큼 사랑해요?
- 하늘만큼 땅만큼 사랑하지.
Mom! How much do you love me?
- I love you as much as the sky and the earth. 

19. 음식이 많네요. 다 먹을 수 있을까요?
- 먹을 만큼 드세요. 다 안 드셔도 돼요.
There 's a lot of food. Can I eat them all?
- Eat as much as you want. You don't have to eat them all. 

20. 요즘 많이 바빠요? 
- 네, 요즘은 주말도 평일 만큼 바빠요.
Are you busy these days?
- Yes, weekends are as busy as weekdays these days.

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