A/V-(으)ㄹ까 봐 grammar = be worried/afraid that ~express concern about something

A/V-ㄹ/을까 봐 grammar = be worried/ afraid that someone/something would ~express concern about something.

- Express the speaker’s corresponding action in the 2nd clause in fear/worry that the 1st clause situation will occur or has occurred. 
- Future tense cannot be used in the 2nd clause.
- (으)ㄹ까 봐 can also be used in form of (으)ㄹ까 봐서 without meaning change.


Adjective / Verb + -ㄹ/을까 봐 (Present tense)
사다 -> 살까 봐 (be afraid that he would buy it)
작다 -> 작을까 봐 (be afraid that it would be small)
나쁘다 -> 나쁠까 봐 (be afraid that it would be bad)
상하다 -> 상할까 봐 (be afraid that it would be spoiled)
지각하다 -> 지각을까 봐 (be afraid that I would be late)
부족하다 -> 부족할까 봐 (be worried that it would be insufficient)
놓치다 -> 놓칠까 봐 (be worried that I would miss it)
잊어버리다 -> 잊어버릴까 봐 (be worried that he would forget it)

Noun + -일까 봐 (Present tense)
친구 -> 친구일까 봐 
애인 -> 애인일까 봐
가수 -> 가수일까 봐

Adjective / Verb + -았/었을까 봐 (Past tense)
비싸다 -> 비쌌을까 봐
적하다 -> 적했을까 봐
부족하다 -> 부족했을까 봐
놓치다 -> 놓쳤을까 봐
지각하다 -> 지각했을까 봐

Noun + -였을까 봐/-이었을까 봐 (Past tense)
친구 -> 친구였을까 봐
애인 -> 애인이었을까 봐
가수 -> 가수였을까 봐


1. 눈이 오는데 등산 가려고요?
- 아니요, 눈 때문에 길이 미끄러울까 봐 등산화를 신고 나가려고요.
Are planning to climb mountain while It’s snowing?
- No, I wear the climbing boots to go out because I am worried that the road would be slippery.

2. 밍 씨, 시험 잘 봤어요?
- 아니요, 너무 못 봤어요. 시험에 떨어질까 봐 걱정이에요.
Minh, did you do your exam well?
- No, I didn't do well at all. I am worried that I would fail the exam.

3. 커피를 많이 드시네요.
- 이따 회의 시간에 졸까 봐 마시는 거예요. 졸면 안 되잖아요.
You sure drink a lot of coffee.
- I am worried that I get sleepy during the meeting so I drink it. I can't get sleepy.

4. 여보세요? 엄마, 대전에 가는 기차를 잘  탔어요.
- 그래? 다행이다. 길이 막혀서 네가 기차를 놓쳤을까 봐 걱정했거든
Hello? Mom, I boarded the train to Daejeon.
- Really? That’s good. I was worried that you would miss the train because of the heavy traffic.

5. 주말에 날씨가 나쁠까 봐 걱정이에요.
I am worried that the weather would be bad in weekend.

6. 중요한 일을 잊어버릴까 봐 수첩에 항상 메모해요.
I always write memo because I am afraid that I would forget important things.

7. 살이 찔까 봐 기름진 음식 안 먹어요.
I don't eat fatty food since I am worried that I would gain weight.

8. 아이가 깰까 봐 작은 목소리로 말해요.
I talk in a small voice since I am afraid that the baby could be awake.

9. 수업에 방해가 될까 봐 휴대폰을 꺼 놓았어요.
I turned off my phone because I am worried that it could interrupt the lecture.

10.  날씨가 너무 더울까 봐 모자를 쓰고 나가요.
I wear a hat to go out since I am afraid that it would be very hot.

11. 친구들을 초대했는데 제가 만든 요리가 맛이 없을까 봐 걱정이에요. 
I invited my friends, but I'm worried that the food I cooks won't taste good.

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