A/V-(으)ㄹ텐데 grammar= would, suppose, must be… ~express an expected future situation

A/V-(으)ㄹ 텐데 grammar = would, suppose, must be...(so/but) ~express an expected future situation

- Equal to  -(으)ㄹ 터이다 (future situation or intention) + -(으)ㄴ/는데 (related or contrary info)

-(으)ㄹ 텐데 is used to express an assumption about an expected or intended future situation, in which the 1st clause gives an intention or expectation in a future event, so the 2nd clause gives a corresponding suggestion or advice = would, suppose, must be…

- When (으)ㄹ 텐데 is used, the sentence is often ended in suggestive or imperative endings such as  A/V-(으)세요, V-자, V-(으)ㅂ시다, A/V(으)ㄹ까요? A/V-게 어때요?

-(으)ㄹ 텐데요 is used at the end of a sentence to express an assumption about the situation being discussed = would, must be, suppose that...


Adjective/ Verb + -(으)ㄹ 텐데 (Present tense) = would, suppose, must be...
작다 --> 작을 텐데 (must be small)
바쁘다 --> 바쁠 텐데 (must be busy)
가다 --> 갈 텐데 (would go)
먹다 --> 먹을 텐데 (would eat)

Adjective/ Verb + -았/었을 텐데 (Past tense)
작다 --> 작았을 텐데 (would have been small)
가다 --> 갔을 텐데 (would have gone)
먹다 --> 먹었을 텐데 (would have eaten)

Noun + 일 텐데 (Present tense) = would, suppose, must be...
부자 --> 부자일 텐데 (must be the rich)
학생 --> 학생일 텐데 (must be a student)

Noun + 였을/이었을 텐데 (Past tense)
부자 --> 부자였을 텐데 (would have been the rich)
학생 --> 학생이었을 텐데 (would have been a student)


*A/V-(으)ㄹ텐데 grammar = would, must be ...~express an assumption about an expected future situation

1. 운동하느라 목이 마를 텐데 물 좀 드세요.
You would be thirsty from exercising, so drink some water.

2. 짐이 많아서 무거울 텐데 제가 좀 들어 줄까요?
It must be heavy due to a lot of luggage, do you want me to hold it for you? 

3. 야근이 많아서 요즘 힘들 텐데 좀 쉬세요.
It must be hard these days because you work a lot overtime, so take a break. 

4. 밖이 추울 텐데 빨리 안으로 들어오세요.
It would be cold outside, come inside quickly. 

5. 배가 많이 고플 텐데 어서 드세요.
You must be very hungry, so hurry up and eat.

6. 내가 돈이 있으면 그 것을 살 텐데.
If I had money, I would buy that.

7. 그 식당이 이미 닫았을 텐데 가지 말자.
The restaurant would be closed already, so let’s not go there.

8. 일요일에는 집에 혼자 있으면 심심할 텐데 우리 집에 놀러 오세요.
In Sunday, it would be boring if you stayed at home alone, so please come to play at our home.

9. 시간이 늦어서 약국이 문을 닫았을 텐데 오늘 말고 내일 가요.
The pharmacy must be closed because it's late, so let's go tomorrow instead of today.

10. 떡볶이는 많이 매울 텐데 김밥을 먹는게 어때요? 
Tteokbokki must be very spicy, so how about eating gimbap? 

11. 수지가 지금 아르바이트 중일 텐데 나중에 전화하는 게 좋지 않을까?
Suji must be working part-time right now, so wouldn't it be better to call her later? 

12. 집에만 있으면 심심할 텐데 우리 밖에 나가요. 
It would be boring if we just stayed at home, so let's go outside.

13. 바람이 많이 부네요.
- 바람이 불면 추울 텐데 따뜻하게 입고 가는 게 좋겠어요.
It’s really windy.
- If it is windy, it should be cold. It’s good to wear warm clothes when going out.

14. 오후에 택배가 하나 오는데 좀 받아 주세요.
- 오후에는 집에 없을 텐데 어떡하지요?
A delivery will come this afternoon, so please make sure you get it.
- I'm not supposed to be at home in the afternoon,  so what should we do?

15. 어제 야근 하느라고 많이 피곤했을 텐데 오늘은 일찍 들어가세요.
- 괜찮습니다. 오늘도 야근할 수 있습니다.
You would be exhausted after working late yesterday,  so please go home early today.
- It's fine. I can work late today too.

*A/V-(으)ㄹ 텐데요 grammar = would, must be ...~express an assumption about the situation being discussed

1. 퇴근시간이라서 길이 막힐 텐데요.
The road would be jammed because it is rush hour.

2. 그 가게 쌀은 더 비쌌을 텐데요.
The rice at that store must have been more expensive.

3. 안나 씨에게 같이 여행 가자고 할까요?
- 안나 씨가 요즘 바쁠 텐데요.
Shall we ask Anna to go traveling together?
- I think Anna is busy these days.

4. 토니 씨는 요즘 시험 준비하느라 바쁘대요.
- 이번에 시험을 꼭 합격해야할 텐데요
I heard that Tony was busy preparing for the exam.
- He really has to pass this time. 

5. 태풍이 와서 비행기가 모두 취소되었어요.
- 태풍이 안 왔더라면 비행기가 취소지 않았을 텐데요.
All fights were canceled because of the typhoon.
- If the typhoon wouldn't come, the fights wouldn't be cancelled. 

Differences between  A/V-(으)ㄴ데 and A/V-(으)ㄹ 텐데 grammars

1. A/V-(으)ㄴ데 grammar: provide background info about the current topic or introduce information following in the next clause.

(지금) 비가 오는데 우산을 가져가세요. 
It’s raining (now), please bring an umbrella with you.

2. A/V-(으)ㄹ 텐데 grammar: express an expected or intended future situation.

(오후에) 비가 올 텐데 우산을 가져가세요. 
It is supposed to rain (in the afternoon), so please take an umbrella with you.

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