2024 KIIP Test Schedule & Completion Policy | 사회통합프로그램 평가 일정

2024 KIIP Test Schedule | 사회통합프로그램 평가 알아보기!

>>  KIIP test registration starts at 9:00 AM on the day of registration and ends at midnight 12:00 AM on the last registration day. Make sure that both your computer and phone are prepared for the registration prior to 9:00 AM, as the test slots tend to fill up quickly in just a matter of minutes. 

>> Visa ratio (overseas Koreans/other foreigners) is set for most pre-tests (사전평가). On the last day of the application period, if some slots are still available, applicants can apply regardless of their VISAs.

>>> Starting from March 2022, computer-based test (CBT)* will be operated together with the paper-based test (PBT) for the pre-tests (named as CBT사전평가) and the comprehensive test (named as CBT종합평가귀화용). 

-> Paper-based test (PBT) is available on weekends in all regions in Korea. 

-> Computer-based tests (CBT) are available on weekdays in 2 test centers at Gwangmyeong city (광명시) and Daejeon city (대전시) only. However, the test schedule is more flexible around 20 times/month for CBT level tests and 2 times/month for CBT comprehensive tests.




Test type

Paper-based test (PBT)

Paper-based test (PBT) & Computer-based test (CBT)

Application fee

30 000 won

38 000 won

Number of PBT tests

24 times /year

(10 level tests, 4 midterm tests, and 10 comprehensive tests)

20+ times /year

(8+ level tests, 4 midterm tests, and 8 comprehensive tests)

Number of CBT tests

0 test

CBT사전평가: 20 times /month

CBT 종합평가: 2 times /month

Application procedure

Signup and register for KIIP class at: www.socinet.go.kr

Signup and apply for a KIIP test at:


Signup and register for KIIP class at: www.socinet.go.kr

Signup and apply for a KIIP test at:


1. 2024 KIIP Test Schedule

2024 KIIP Level Test Schedule (Paper-based test) 

*The schedule is updated on 01st Dec 2023.


2024 KIIP Level test (사전평가)

Application date


Test date


Result date




23.12.26 (Tue) ~ 12.30 (Sat)







01.30 (Tue) ~ 02.03 (Sat)







03.12 (Tue) ~ 03.16 (Sat)







04.23 (Tue) ~ 04.27 (Sat)







06.04 (Tue) ~ 06.08 (Sat)







07.09 (Tue) ~ 07.13 (Sat)







10.01 (Tue) ~ 10.05 (Sat)







11.12 (Tue) ~ 11.16 (Sat)






* Some special pre-tests could be added for VISA E-9 (foreign workers) and VISA C-3-8 (overseas Korean).
* For CBT사전평가, please visit the official test site for detailed schedule (www.kiiptest.org)

Read details about KIIP Pre-Test & Sample: 
KIIP Pre-Test Guide (사회통합프로그램 사전평가 안내)

2024 KIIP Midterm Test Schedule (Paper-based test)

*The schedule is updated on 01st Dec 2023.


2024 KIIP Mid-term test (중간평가)

Application date


Test date


Result date



05.07 (Tue) ~ 05.11 (Sat)






06.25 (Tue) ~ 06.29 (Sat)






08.20 (Tue) ~ 08.24 (Sat)






12.10 (Tue) ~ 12.14 (Sat)





Read details about KIIP Mid-term Test & Sample: 
KIIP 4 Mid-term Test Guide (사회통합프로그램 중간평가 안내)

2024 KIIP Comprehensive Test Schedule (Paper-based test)

*The schedule is updated on 01st Dec 2023.


2024 KIIP Comprehensive test (종합평가)

Application date


Test date


Result date



01.09 (Tue) ~ 01.13 (Sat)






02.20 (Tue) ~ 02.24 (Sat)






04.02 (Tue) ~ 04.06 (Sat)






05.21 (Tue) ~ 05.25 (Sat)






08.06 (Tue) ~ 08.10 (Sat)






09.10 (Tue) ~ 09.14 (Sat)






10.15 (Tue) ~ 10.19 (Sat)






11.26 (Tue) ~ 11.30 (Sat)





*  CBT 귀화용 종합평가 is held ~2 times/month. Literally, you can take the test at any time. However, the CBT test has only 1 test location  in Gwangmyeong city (광명시) and CBT 영주용 종합평가 test is still not available yet.

** For CBT 귀화용 종합평가, please visit the official test site for detailed schedule (www.kiiptest.org)

Read details about KIIP Comprehensive Test & Samples:
KIIP 5 Comprehensive Test Guide (사회통합프로그램 종합평가 안내)

2. NEW procedure for applying a KIIP test

Please read detailed guideline for applying a KIIP test here:

3. Information about KIIP comprehensive test

3.1 Permanent resident test [영주용 종합평가]

Permanent resident test (1)
[영주용 종합평가]
Permanent resident test (2)
[영주 신청자 대상 영주용 종합평가]
Applicable persons
Persons who have finished taking the KIIP level 5 (70 hours) course
Person who have the level test score of over 85 points and don’t take the KIIP level 5 (70 hours) course
- Meeting the basic requirement when applying for the permanent resident visa.
- Exempt from Korean proficiency interview & get additional points for point-based visas
- Meeting the basic requirement when applying for the permanent resident visa.
- Not exempt from interview or getting additional points. However, one can get the full benefits if taking the KIIP level 5 class.

3.2 Naturalization test [귀화용 종합평가]

Naturalization test (1)
[귀화용 종합평가]
Naturalization test (2)
[귀화 신청자 대상 귀화용 종합평가]
Applicable persons
- Persons who have finished taking the KIIP level 5 (100 hours) course
- Persons who finished the KIIP program by repeated taking the KIIP class before 2018.3.1
- Married immigrants completed with scoring of 50 ~ 59 in 12 years
- Person who haven’t finished the KIIP level 5 (100 hours) course.
- Persons who applied for naturalization after 2018.3.1 (can only take a maximum of 3 tests / year)
- Meeting the basic requirement when applying for the naturalization
- Exempt from the naturalization interview
- Meeting the basic requirement when applying for the naturalization
- Not exempt from the naturalization interview

4. Completion Standard of KIIP program (level 4 & 5)

From 2020.09.01, the completion standard of the KIIP Level 4 & 5 will be as follows:


KIIP completion standard

(after 2020.09.1)

Level 4

- You take the level 4 class and pass the mid-term exam, you receive the level 4 completion certificate, and advance to the level 5

- If you fail the 1st exam (below 60 points):

+ You can retake the test again and again until your score is above 60 points without retaking the 2nd class, you receive the level 4 completion certificate, and advance to level 5.

+ You retake the 2nd class and retake the exam repeatedly until you score above 40 points, you receive the level 4 completion certificate, and advance to level 5.

Level 5

- You take the level 5 class (70h or 100h course) and pass the comprehensive exam; you receive the level 5 completion certificate and the comprehensive test passing certificate.

- If you fail the 1st exam (below 60 points):

+ You can retake the test again and again until your score is above 60 points without retaking the 2nd class, you receive the level 5 completion certificate and the comprehensive test passing certificate.

+ You retake the 2nd class and retake the exam repeatedly until you score above 40 points, you complete the KIIP program and receive the level 5 completion certificate.

Important: To waive the naturalization interview, you have to pass the (귀화용 종합평가) comprehensive test for naturalization with 60 points or more. Getting only the level 5 completion certificate won't help you waive the interview.

* What is the difference between the KIIP level 5 completion certificate (이수증) and comprehensive exam passing certificate (합격증)

For example, when applying for the permanent VISA (F5),
+ Person with the comprehensive exam passing certificate (without taking KIIP class) gets 10 bonus points only.
+ Person with the KIIP level 5 completion certificate only gets 15 bonus points. 
+ Person with both the KIIP level 5 completion certificate and comprehensive exam passing certificate also get 15 bonus points.

5. More about KIIP program: curriculum, class and other information

Please read the detail guide here: http://www.koreantopik.com/2018/01/complete-guide-to-korea-immigration.html


Hi, feel free to leave a comment here. For a special request, please send us an email to hlamdo4u(at)gmail.com

  1. Replies
    1. You have to go to kiiptest.org, but you need to go from the socinet website first so that it connects your login to the kiip test website.

    2. help.im always stuck in step 3,everytime i click the test location nothings appear,i failed the test for the 3rd time just because of i cant finish the step 4,i always stuck in step 3,what should i do?im stuck with step 3 for whole 2019,last pre test will be on december 28 again,and at the moment im still trying to get out of step 3,

  2. Do you have any information on when the registration day is for the next semester (starting May 19th?). I cannot find this info anywhere and socinet has not helped either.

    1. I don't need a level test, I've already completed through level 3 so I was wondering which day/how to register for the level 4 class. Last time I had a friend tell me when since I could find the info anywhere, but they aren't around anymore to help out.

    2. To apply for the next level class, you need to check the closest level test date. The upcoming one is in 27 April and result announcement date is 10 May. So, you can apply for the level 4 class at ~10 May. Make sure to check socinet website frequently at that time.

    3. Thanks so much! It's good to know that the registration day is near/on the day of the announcement. This was extremely helpful, thank you!

  3. How do I apply for taking classes? I have valid Topik 4. The website isn't showing clearly on how and where to register if you have level 4 Topik. Thank you in advance.

    1. Visit your nearest immigration office to submit your TOPIK certificate.

      For more info, please post your question at this community. I believe many people there have done the same thing like you before. https://www.facebook.com/groups/korean4topik/?ref=bookmarks

      Or call 1345 for support.

  4. I am in masan area and i like to study kiip level 4 .in chungchangnamdo area i have already study and could not pass level 4 so i want to repeat.can you help me to find class where i can join every sunday in khyangaangnamdo.

  5. I am registered to the socisnet website but I cannot login to the test website. It says that there is no such profile

    1. please ask for support at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/korean4topik/?ref=bookmarks

    2. You have to go from the socinet website to the test site and it will then connect those two together. You can also join the Unofficial Kiip group on Facebook

  6. How long does it take level test results?

  7. When start the winter holiddays in kiip clasis . I mean how many winter holidays ?

  8. 我在大學的語學堂已經學了4级的課程,如果我帶着這學校的證書或成績表來報讀你們的課程可以免試分班考試嗎?

  9. Hello I live DAEJEON where I can pass the pre-test, the site fails. Is it possible to register for a test at the place of passing the test?

  10. I would like to take a KIIP pretest around March or April. The thing is, I do not work or do schooling on Saturdays for religious reasons. Are the tests and pre-tests ever offered on a non-Saturday date?

  11. Hello I want to join the kiip class how can I join anybody can help me ?

  12. If I take a kiip level test in one location, will I have to attend classes in that particular location or can I attend classes in another location?

  13. Hi. Two days ago the page said that the registration period for the class starts in feb.2. But just minutes ago when I checked it already said jan.28 and it is already 신청마감. I was waiting for it to open on the said date so I could register. BUT now I can't. What am I supposed to do. I am running out of time already and I really need to join the class. Can you please help me? I don't know what to do. I am in Daegu and my pretest result showed level 4. Please...

  14. Hello, I have not taken any level so far but I have TOPIK level 5. I heard that I can take level 5 without even taking pre-test, is it correct? If correct how should I register for that?

  15. my exam date in 9/20.I got a uncompleted information date changed it is true or not? if the information was then when was the changed date test?

  16. how can i apply for my kiip class i try lots of time i never find plz if anybody knows teach me thank yoou in advance

  17. + You can retake the test again and again until your score is above 60 points without retaking the 2nd class,

    -- don't we need to score at least 50-59pts to be able to do this?

    1. The rules were changed so it depends on what level you are. As for myself, I finished the Kiip program last year before the changes and then they changed it again this summer, so I am uncertain what the new score requirements are. I thought I read that if you fail the first time, no matter the score, you can now pass the second time with at least a 50. I remember being upset because I took the level 5 exam 4 times and the second time I failed by 1 point, third time 4 points, and fourth time 5 points. I only "Completed" the program, but I didn't "Pass" so I really hope that everyone else will get completed like I did if they complete the levels that way or I will try to take that darn test again.

  18. If I take the level 5 70h and fail the exam, can I re-take the level 5 20h and score 40 points or more on the exam to pass or I need to re-take the level 50h?

  19. Dear Sir/Ms.
    If I'm failure 2 time in Kiip level 4 exam and can't get 40% Score for level 5
    How can jump in level 5 in 2021 ?

    1. Just retake the test again until you get equal or above 40.

  20. Kiip level 4 auto pass option have in 2021 or not ?
    Or must we have to pass exams?

    1. Auto-pass ended last year. It is no longer in effect now. You have to pass over 40 point.

  21. What if i fail level 5 exam ?should i retake exam or i must take 50hrs class again please help me.

    1. There are 2 options:
      1. Retake the exam without taking the class again. If you pass over 60 points, you get the completion certificate + passing certificate
      2. Retake the class once and then retake the test again. If you pass over 40 points, you get the completion certificate. The certificate is enough to get bonus point when applying for visa.

    2. Thank you so much for your kind reply.Wanna know if i am not satisfied with pass marka (eg=64-65)can i take test again? Thank you again

    3. Once you pass the test, you can't take it again.

  22. Hello For 귀화융 exam in case one complete with second try and score 40 points will still have to go for naturalization interview ?

    1. please post question in our KIIP support group.

  23. hi i want to ask something aince i took the level 4 exam twice but failed and the 3rd exam take is nextweek do i need to enter 2nd class again to get the certification so i can eneter the level 5?

    1. No, retaking the level 4 class won't help you pass the level 4. All you need is to get higher 40 points in the upcoming exam.

    2. Are you sure that is correct? I was told for lvl 4 & 5 you have to take a class then test. If you fail then you should take the class again and test. If you fail the second time you can just keep taking the test without the class, but those first two test must have a class between them

    3. Sorry. It's my mistake for not reading your comment fully. You're correct. You have to retake the class 2nd time to advance the level 5 with 40+ point. Otherwise, you have to pass the upcoming test with 60+ point.

    4. Do you have to keep taking the class after a second time? Then the test? Or is it taking the class 2 times maximum?

    5. After the 2nd time, you just need to take the test. No need to keep taking again.

  24. How can i take a level test again? My status in kiip is Completion suspended.

  25. Hi., I am going to start KIIP program from Level "0". When will be next date of registration? and How can I join "Level 0"?

    1. KIIP has 3 semesters per year. The 3rd semester is going on since 15 Aug. If you want to start from Level 0, you can only join kiip level 0 class from the Feb 2022 (next year). My suggestion is to learn Korean yourself during the waiting time, and then apply for a level test to get assigned to the higher level class before the next semester starts.

  26. Hi, recently I attended KIIP level 4 two times and in exam, got 52 marks and advanced to level 5. But, am not able to download my level 4 completion certificate. Please suggest any alternative way for acquiring level 4 completion certificate. Thanks in advance

    1. You get 수료증 for completing level 4, which indicates that you completed level 4 and is attending the level 5. When you complete level 5, you get 이수증 which indicates that you have completed the whole kiip course.

  27. Thanks for your reply. In my personal KIIP portal it is still showing 과정 이수 instead of 수료증. So, Suggest me how to get 4 딘계 수료증. Thanks in advance

    1. I am sorry for making you confused. But 과정 이수증 is the certificate that you are searching for. The certificate is enough to help you gain extra points when applying for points-based visas.

  28. How can I check my reciept if registration?

    1. You can check your receipt for test registration in the afternoon or evening when the kiiptest website works normally.

  29. I already registered and took exam. My current level is registered as level 1. But I have now TOPIK level 2. Can register for level 3 course?

    1. Yes, you can register for level 3 class after submiting your topik certificate to immigration office.

  30. Where are Computer based tests performed? Is it a proctored test in my house or at an external test site?

    1. The test will be hold in the test site, the same as the paper-based test. The only difference is that, in the CBT test, you use computer to record your answer and writing instead of in the paper, like the PBT test.

    2. Is the registration for the CBT at a different time and on a different website? For example, today, June 7, registration for the written test just opened. Where could I register for the CBT?

  31. CBT and PBT tests use the same website (kiiptest.rog). However, the CBT is different from the PBT in both time schedule and location. The CBT has only few test locations but the time schedule is much more flexible, around 20 times/month. It means you can take the test in any day

    1. Thank you for your quick reply! I failed to sign up for a PBT location when registration opened yesterday. Do you know when and how I can sign up for the CBT?

    2. The CBT registration procedure is the same as the PBT. The new CBT schedule has not been updated yet. You can check the schedule by visiting kiiptest.org > KIIP test guide > CBT pre-test.

    3. Thank you! I just successfully signed up for the CBT. Do you know if the test is basically the same as the written version, including the speaking portion?

    4. They are both the same, just different in conducting methods. In pre-test, there is no speaking section.

    5. Are you sure there's no speaking section? I thought I saw another page on this site that said if you score a 0 on the pre-test speaking part, you're automatically placed into the level 0 class.

    6. Oops, I am sorry for my mistake. There is speaking section in the pre-test. If you are aiming for a high level class, you should buy a practice test book or simply take a free sample test below:

  32. I passed KIIP exam in December 2019, for how long it is valid? I am planing to apply for Naturalization, do I need to take exam again?

    1. If you passed the level 5 귀화용 exam, you don't need to take it again. there is no expired date for the certificate.

  33. Hi, is the midterm schedule correct? I think the second date (test on 5.13) shows differently on the kiip site. The kiip site shows the second midterm test is on 6.3. I have seen two photos floating around, so is the one on this site a previous mentioned schedule but got changed?

    1. Hi, the schedule here is a bit outdated due to the recent schedule changes from KIIP. It is up to date now. Thank you.

  34. - So you can get level 5 completion certificate even if you didn't take or failed the 종합평가?
    - Some visas require 'completed' kiip.
    Is the level 5 considered completed with just 이수증 and not passed test?

    1. You must take the 종합평가 at least once in order to retake the class if failed and get the level 5 completion certificate. 이수증 can be used to get plus points, for example F2 visa. However, in case of most F5 visa, 합격증 is required.

  35. Greetings.
    I just applied for the KIIP program using my TOPIK 3 results. I was placed at level 4. Can I get a KIIP certificate (whether level 3 or 4) immediately or I must take the KIIP test?

    And if I must take the KIIP test, must I also take classes or can directly register for the exam?
    Thank you

  36. Hi Norbert, you won't get any certificate until you finish your level 4 class and pass the level 4 exam.

  37. Thank you for your response.
    I had TOPIK level 3, so I was placed at level 4 for the KIIP program.
    Can I apply for the KIIP test (if Yes, what level can I apply for?), or I must take classes before the test?

  38. Hi Norbert, you can't apply for a mid-term test unless you take your level 4 class. In other words, you must take a class before taking the mid-term.

  39. I take the kiip level test and the result is level 3
    So how can i register to level 3 class and where is the location of the class
    I live here in Changwon...thank you for your reply...

  40. Hi, new class will be available for registration in early January.
    Because you are located in Changwon, only classes in your region will be displayed in your class list.

    To signup for a kiip class, please follow this guide:

    For more information about class availability, please subcribe to our group:

  41. Is it possible to register for a comprehensive test without taking the class, or is it mandatory to first take the class and then the test?

  42. Hi Santiago, it is possible. If your level test score is over 85 points, you can directly apply for a comprehensive test without taking a class.

  43. Thank you for your reply.
    Do I need the level test scores in order to register for the comprehensive test? I am thinking of taking the level test on 02/17 of which the results are given on 02/29, however, the registration period for the comprehensive test is 02/20 - 02/24, which is before receiving the results.

  44. Yes, your level test score must be announced before you can apply for the comprehensive test. It's not an easy task to get such the high scores without any preparation. You should focus on getting your high level test score now rather than thinking about registering for the comprehensive test.

  45. Hi Mam thank you for your reply....ill check your page and subscribe...
    Thank you for your assistance...God bless you:)Merry Christmas 🎄

  46. Honorable concern, when level 5 class will start in Gimhae-si, busan areas. I need a schedule of level 5 class registration in busan and nearby busan areas because i want to registered class as early as i can and will pass within this year. Thanks for your cooperation

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