L1.22 V-자마자 grammar = as soon as, right after ~something occurs right after the end of an action or event
- V-자마자 is used to indicate that something occurs immediately after the end of an action or event = as soon as, right after.
- V-자마자 can be replaced by V-기가 무섭게 grammar without meaning change. However, V-기가 무섭게 expresses an even faster transition between two actions than V-자마자.
- The subject of both clauses can be the same or different and verb preceding V-자마자 is always in present tense.
Verbs + 자마자
오다 --> 오자마자 (as soon as I came)
먹다 --> 먹자마자 (right after I ate)
끝나다 --> 끝나자마자 (as soon as it finished)
일어나다 --> 일어나자마자 (right after waking up)
도착하다 --> 도착하자마자 (as soon as I arrived)
졸업하다 --> 졸업하자마자 (right after graduating)
끝나다 --> 끝나자마자 (as soon as it finished)
일어나다 --> 일어나자마자 (right after waking up)
도착하다 --> 도착하자마자 (as soon as I arrived)
졸업하다 --> 졸업하자마자 (right after graduating)
1. 너무 피곤해서 집에 오자마자 잤어요.
I was so tired that I went to sleep as soon as I got home.
2. 수업이 끝나자마자 학생들은 교실에 나갔어요.
The students left the classroom right after the class was over.
3. 아이가 일어나자마자 울었어요.
The baby cried right after waking up.
4. 창문을 열자마자 시원한 바람이 들어왔어요.
As soon as I opened the window, a cool breeze came in.
5. 집에 들어오자마자 옷을 갈아입었어요.
As soon as I got home, I changed my clothes.
6. 교실 의자에 앉자마자 옆 친구와 이야기했어요.
As soon as he sat down in the classroom chair, he talked to the friend next to him.
7. 그는 전화를 받자마자 나갔어요.
He went out right after receiving the call.
8. 한국에 도착하자마자 어머니에게 전화했어요.
8. 한국에 도착하자마자 어머니에게 전화했어요.
I called my mother as soon as I arrived in Korea.
9. 대학교를 졸업하자마자 고향에 돌아갈 거예요.
As soon as I graduate from university I will return my home town.
10. 고등학교를 졸업하자마자 혼자 배낭여행을 떠났어요.
As soon as I graduated from high school, I went backpacking alone.
11. 문자 메시지를 받자마자 답장을 보내 주세요.
Please reply as soon as you receive my text message.
12. 월급을 받자마자 새 휴대폰을 살 거예요.
I'm going to buy a new cell phone as soon as I get my salary.
13. 수업이 끝나자마자 밥을 먹으러 갈까요?
Shall we go to eat right after class?
14. 배가 고파서 빵을 사자마자 바로 다 먹었어요.
I was hungry, so I ate all the bread as soon as I bought it.
15. 어제는 너무 피곤해서 침대에 눕자마자 잠을 들었어요.
Yesterday I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as I lay in bed.
16. 수업이 끝나자마자 시험공부하러 도서관에 달려갔어요.
As soon as class was over, I ran to the library to study for the exam.
17. 약속 시간에 늦을 것 같아서 버스에서 내리자마자 뛰어왔어요.
I was afraid I would be late for my appointment, so I ran as soon as I got off the bus.
18. 민아 씨와 언제 결혼할 거예요?
- 대학교를 졸업하자마자 결혼할 거예요.
When will you marry Mina?
- We will get married as soon as we graduate from University.
19. 왜 기분이 안 좋아요?
- 어제 새로운 지갑을 샀어요. 그런데 사자마자 잃어버렸어요.
Why are you in a bad mood?
- I bought a new wallet yesterday. But I lost it right after I bought it.
20. 회의 끝나고 같이 점심 먹을래요?
- 미안해요. 회의를 마치자마자 친구를 만나기로 했어요.
Would you like to have lunch together after the meeting?
- I'm sorry. As soon as the meeting was over, I decided to meet my friend.
Differences between -는 대로 and -자마자 grammar
Although -는 대로 and -자마자 have the same meaning of "as soon as", they are different as follows:
1. -자마자 is often used with present and past tense, whereas -는 대로 is mostly used with future tense.
도착하자마자 집으로 전화했어요.
I called home as soon as I arrived.
도착하는대로 집으로 전화할게요.
I'll call you home as soon as I arrive.
2. When using -자마자, both clauses are based on temporal relationship that does not need to be related. However, when using -는 대로, both clauses must be related, in which the action in the 1st clause is the reason or motivation for the result in the 2nd clause.
케이크를 완성하는 대로 너를 부를게요.
I'll call you as soon as I finish the cake.
까마귀가 날자마자 배가 떨어진다.
As soon as the crow flies, the ship falls.